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Effects of Lime, Manure and Kitchen Ash Application on Yield and Yield Components of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) on Acidic Soils of Gozamin District

Received: 26 February 2020     Accepted: 13 March 2020     Published: 17 April 2020
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Liming improve the properties of acidic soils and commenly increases crop productivity. The experiment to evaluate the effect of lime, manure and kitchen ash application on yield and yield components of faba bean was conducted at Yebokla kebele in Gozamin district of Amhara Region in 2017 season. The factorial combination of 0, 1.5 and 3 t/ha lime, 0, 2.5 and 5 t/ha manure and 0, 0.5 and 1 t/ha kitchen ash treatments were replicated three times and laid out in randomized complete block design. The results show shortened days to maturity was recorded from plot receiving 1.5 t lime, 2.5 t manure and 1 t/ha kitchen ash. The numbers of effective nodule was significantly higher at 1.5 t.lime and 2.5 t/ha manure while higher plant height was recorded from 1.5 t/ha lime and 5 t/ha manure treatments. Number of pods per plant increased by combined application of 2.5 t manure and 1 t/ha kitchen ash while maximum number of seeds per pod observed at 5 t/ha manure. The highest seed yield (2.59 t/ha) obtained from combined used of 1.5 t lime, 5 t manure and 0.5 t/ha kitchen ash meanwhile maximum straw yield was recorded from 5 t/ha manure rate. The economic analysis revealed that combined used of 1.5 t lime, 0.5 t kitchen ash and 5 t/ha manure gave a net profit of 26,533 Birr/ha with acceptable MRR (98%), thus this treatment is found optimum to increase crop yield on acidic soils of Gozamin district.

Published in Journal of Plant Sciences (Volume 8, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.jps.20200802.11
Page(s) 17-28
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Science Publishing Group


Acid Soil, Amhara, Liming, Manure, Nodule, Pod, Seed Yield

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  • APA Style

    Mekonnen Asrat, Markku Yli-Halla, Mesfin Abate. (2020). Effects of Lime, Manure and Kitchen Ash Application on Yield and Yield Components of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) on Acidic Soils of Gozamin District. Journal of Plant Sciences, 8(2), 17-28. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.jps.20200802.11

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    ACS Style

    Mekonnen Asrat; Markku Yli-Halla; Mesfin Abate. Effects of Lime, Manure and Kitchen Ash Application on Yield and Yield Components of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) on Acidic Soils of Gozamin District. J. Plant Sci. 2020, 8(2), 17-28. doi: 10.11648/j.jps.20200802.11

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    AMA Style

    Mekonnen Asrat, Markku Yli-Halla, Mesfin Abate. Effects of Lime, Manure and Kitchen Ash Application on Yield and Yield Components of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) on Acidic Soils of Gozamin District. J Plant Sci. 2020;8(2):17-28. doi: 10.11648/j.jps.20200802.11

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Effects of Lime, Manure and Kitchen Ash Application on Yield and Yield Components of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) on Acidic Soils of Gozamin District
    AU  - Mekonnen Asrat
    AU  - Markku Yli-Halla
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    AB  - Liming improve the properties of acidic soils and commenly increases crop productivity. The experiment to evaluate the effect of lime, manure and kitchen ash application on yield and yield components of faba bean was conducted at Yebokla kebele in Gozamin district of Amhara Region in 2017 season. The factorial combination of 0, 1.5 and 3 t/ha lime, 0, 2.5 and 5 t/ha manure and 0, 0.5 and 1 t/ha kitchen ash treatments were replicated three times and laid out in randomized complete block design. The results show shortened days to maturity was recorded from plot receiving 1.5 t lime, 2.5 t manure and 1 t/ha kitchen ash. The numbers of effective nodule was significantly higher at 1.5 t.lime and 2.5 t/ha manure while higher plant height was recorded from 1.5 t/ha lime and 5 t/ha manure treatments. Number of pods per plant increased by combined application of 2.5 t manure and 1 t/ha kitchen ash while maximum number of seeds per pod observed at 5 t/ha manure. The highest seed yield (2.59 t/ha) obtained from combined used of 1.5 t lime, 5 t manure and 0.5 t/ha kitchen ash meanwhile maximum straw yield was recorded from 5 t/ha manure rate. The economic analysis revealed that combined used of 1.5 t lime, 0.5 t kitchen ash and 5 t/ha manure gave a net profit of 26,533 Birr/ha with acceptable MRR (98%), thus this treatment is found optimum to increase crop yield on acidic soils of Gozamin district.
    VL  - 8
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Plant Sciences, Debre Markos University, Debre Markos, Ethiopia

  • Agricultural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

  • Department of Plant Sciences, Debre Markos University, Debre Markos, Ethiopia

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