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Biodiversity and Ethnobotanical Use Values of Some Plant Species in Gaya Department (Niger)

Received: 10 June 2022     Accepted: 24 June 2022     Published: 30 June 2022
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The objective of this work is to identify in Gaya the plant species socio-economic inter est for the population, their forms of use and the use values of each species used in the different categories of use. Thus, an ethnobotanical survey using an individual interview guide was conducted in 15 villages. In each village, a village assembly was held to identify the target people. A total of 150 people were interviewed individually. In fact, 87 species divided into 67 genera belonging to 33 families were identified. These species are used in six (6) categories of use, namely human nutrition, pharmacopoeia, fodder, firewood, service wood and craft. The result shows a predominance of woody species (64) in the diversity of species and uses. Total use values vary by species and by use category: Vitellaria paradoxa (2.24), Balanites aegyptiaca (2.0), Combretum nigricans (1.42), Borassus aethiopum (1.41), Vitex doniana (1.35), Diospyros mespiliformis (1.32), Prosopis africana (1.21), Sclerocarya birrea (1.20), Tamarindus indica (1.17), Vetiveria nigritana (1.02). Leaves (33%), fruits (26.13%), wood (18.83%) and bark (13.11%) are the most used organs. The degree of knowledge of their importance is more less homogeneous as shown by the Informant Consensus Factor (ICF) and the Informant Diversity Index.

Published in Journal of Plant Sciences (Volume 10, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.jps.20221003.15
Page(s) 119-129
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Science Publishing Group


Plant Species, Organs, Use Values, Gaya (Niger)

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  • APA Style

    Oumarou Manirou, Ali Ado, Amani Abdou, Mahamane Ali, Saadou Mahamane. (2022). Biodiversity and Ethnobotanical Use Values of Some Plant Species in Gaya Department (Niger). Journal of Plant Sciences, 10(3), 119-129. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.jps.20221003.15

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    ACS Style

    Oumarou Manirou; Ali Ado; Amani Abdou; Mahamane Ali; Saadou Mahamane. Biodiversity and Ethnobotanical Use Values of Some Plant Species in Gaya Department (Niger). J. Plant Sci. 2022, 10(3), 119-129. doi: 10.11648/j.jps.20221003.15

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    AMA Style

    Oumarou Manirou, Ali Ado, Amani Abdou, Mahamane Ali, Saadou Mahamane. Biodiversity and Ethnobotanical Use Values of Some Plant Species in Gaya Department (Niger). J Plant Sci. 2022;10(3):119-129. doi: 10.11648/j.jps.20221003.15

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      abstract = {The objective of this work is to identify in Gaya the plant species socio-economic inter est for the population, their forms of use and the use values of each species used in the different categories of use. Thus, an ethnobotanical survey using an individual interview guide was conducted in 15 villages. In each village, a village assembly was held to identify the target people. A total of 150 people were interviewed individually. In fact, 87 species divided into 67 genera belonging to 33 families were identified. These species are used in six (6) categories of use, namely human nutrition, pharmacopoeia, fodder, firewood, service wood and craft. The result shows a predominance of woody species (64) in the diversity of species and uses. Total use values vary by species and by use category: Vitellaria paradoxa (2.24), Balanites aegyptiaca (2.0), Combretum nigricans (1.42), Borassus aethiopum (1.41), Vitex doniana (1.35), Diospyros mespiliformis (1.32), Prosopis africana (1.21), Sclerocarya birrea (1.20), Tamarindus indica (1.17), Vetiveria nigritana (1.02). Leaves (33%), fruits (26.13%), wood (18.83%) and bark (13.11%) are the most used organs. The degree of knowledge of their importance is more less homogeneous as shown by the Informant Consensus Factor (ICF) and the Informant Diversity Index.},
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    T1  - Biodiversity and Ethnobotanical Use Values of Some Plant Species in Gaya Department (Niger)
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    AB  - The objective of this work is to identify in Gaya the plant species socio-economic inter est for the population, their forms of use and the use values of each species used in the different categories of use. Thus, an ethnobotanical survey using an individual interview guide was conducted in 15 villages. In each village, a village assembly was held to identify the target people. A total of 150 people were interviewed individually. In fact, 87 species divided into 67 genera belonging to 33 families were identified. These species are used in six (6) categories of use, namely human nutrition, pharmacopoeia, fodder, firewood, service wood and craft. The result shows a predominance of woody species (64) in the diversity of species and uses. Total use values vary by species and by use category: Vitellaria paradoxa (2.24), Balanites aegyptiaca (2.0), Combretum nigricans (1.42), Borassus aethiopum (1.41), Vitex doniana (1.35), Diospyros mespiliformis (1.32), Prosopis africana (1.21), Sclerocarya birrea (1.20), Tamarindus indica (1.17), Vetiveria nigritana (1.02). Leaves (33%), fruits (26.13%), wood (18.83%) and bark (13.11%) are the most used organs. The degree of knowledge of their importance is more less homogeneous as shown by the Informant Consensus Factor (ICF) and the Informant Diversity Index.
    VL  - 10
    IS  - 3
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Garba Mounkaila Laboratory, Departement of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey, Niamey, Niger

  • Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Agadez University, Agadez, Niger

  • National Institut of Agronomic Research of Niger (INRAN), Departement of Natural Ressources (DGRN), Niamey, Niger

  • Garba Mounkaila Laboratory, Departement of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey, Niamey, Niger

  • Garba Mounkaila Laboratory, Departement of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey, Niamey, Niger

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